
In the last few months, we have had numerous students caught on campus with marijuana (henceforth referred to as "weed," so I can sound as cool as my students). While this has happened occasionally in the past, its frequency of late is a bit alarming.

But that's just the background; here's the story. A girl was caught on campus smoking weed from an "apple bong". The girl was brought into the office, the police were contacted and her mother was called.

When the mother arrived at school, she had two main things to say. First of all, just because her daughter was caught with her mouth on the apple bong, that did not prove she had actually inhaled. (I suppose you can't really blame her for this first statement. I mean, we elected a president who made such a claim.)

Second, the school really should recognize that ultimately this whole event was our fault. After all, weren't we the ones who provided the apple in the school cafeteria?


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